... In author-artist's words, ds this Is "a pat survey along tho pathway of art In America Europe, with culled from personal encounter with conditions and reference to the careers of many artists, both ancient and modern " With muny ...
... learning ard Greek literature. Because Gitece claimed to have a sentence ... in author- si ip have revert need tbe Bible. Tbe libraries of tbe wor'd ... ancient and modern philosophers, but the n'Oiality of the Gospel cioth so ...
... study. The mo mini tervantof thu place instantly npneari-d, with tlio nir of ... ancient leather-covered settle; tossed his slouch hat into tbo corner of the ... in author indignantly related the incident. The MJtiio party ...
... education was also 'a beautiful soul In a beautiful body.' " To tho Oriental scholar's view, the glory that was Greece and Iho power that was Rome began their westward march in the "Land of tho Morning Freshness" (as tho ancient name of ...
... study reform. Tliis will enhance their spirit of service to the consumers ... in author. intelligence is a powerful weapon and it should be used for ... ancient days. Regarding Tiruvalluvar's references to the Vedas and Vedic ...
... learn his sentence. Old lady, coaxingly: 'Don t ye want to hold this yarn ... in author place reference The of of the same lite to dead to ,n the word ... ancient she comr.uuTcd comforter with being bun over brought. her have not ...
... ancient (-.reek dramatist, t, and and at at 33 33 Helen Helen Sianard Sianar ... study of a woman whose character is influenced oy ieredity. Penelope ... in author on his dnath did not conduce to a satisfactory completion of the ...
... knowledge of immortal life— Beauty lb heaven's epitome. — ^^^ ^••H ... ancient days, Tho laurat-crownud Petrarch framed his lays To love-lorn Laura ... in author, and perhaps the best evidence of its merit it a slushing re- TIQW ...
... Study of the Efficiency of Democracy. mr LILY GRAY. At the War. "At tho War ... in author could but be transferred to the words of the reviewer great would bo ... ancient capital, an Islet upon tho shores of a lake. These aro the ...
... ancient Ilomau or Gnnl which remained oxcopt two tc*tl fragments of n fow ... In, author of "How the Other Unit Live*"— a thorough nud cnmpruhon nlvo study ... study the shadowy history ot tin! anciunt Ax.U'B ruco, with a vUw to.