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inauthor: James Esdaile from
Library Association Arundell James Kennedy Esdaile, Henry Guppy. PROVIDENCE . — Quarterly Bulletin of the Providence ... in author alphabetical order . WILLESDEN . - Willesden Green Public Library . Quarterly Record and Guide for ...
inauthor: James Esdaile from
This book has three parts, examining such methods and pseudo-methods of invention in medieval studies, bibliography, and editing.
inauthor: James Esdaile from
This book challenges the prevailing orthodoxy that sees organised violence as in continuous decline, arguing instead that evidence shows that it continues to rise.
inauthor: James Esdaile from
How it is Done; Its Uses and Dangers James Richard Cocke. Taste , hallucinations of ... Telepathy .... case of in author's ... Esdaile ... 246 Tuke ( Dr. Hack ) ....... Traumatic spine , case of treated by hypnotism ... Treviranus ...
inauthor: James Esdaile from
Embarking upon a kind of biographical-political-cultural-literary criticism, this book brings the radical eccentrics' vital, potentially transformative conversation to the attention of scholars of English literature for the first time, ...
inauthor: James Esdaile from
... ESDAILE , Jas . MESMERISM IN INDIA , and its Practical Application in ... in author's autograph . 181 FIREWORKS . A Treatise of Artificial Fire - works ... James , Lt. Col. ] The Polite Philosopher : or an Essay on that Art which ...
inauthor: James Esdaile from
Netporn delves into the aesthetics and politics of sexuality in the era of do-it-yourself (DIY) Internet pornography.
inauthor: James Esdaile from
This book focuses exclusively on the exciting and provocative plays produced in England in the last two decades.
inauthor: James Esdaile from
This book provides an evidence-based introduction to the interface between sleep wide range of medical disorders.